Poly(Vinyl Alchol)


Chemical formula: (C2H4O)x
Density:  1,19-1,31 g/cm³
CAS number: 9002-89-5


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Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) (PVA) de

Trade name: Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)

Chemical name of the compound: Poly(vinyl alcohol)

Synonyms:. PVA, PVOH, E1203, Ethenol homopolymer, Polyviol, Vinol, Alvyl.

Chemical and physical properties: Hygroscopic, colorless, odorless, stretch resistant. Impermeable to oxygen and odors. Partly biodegradable, showcasing high biocompatibility.

Application: Component of glues, coatings, fiber appreture. Also used as paint stabilizer, pharmaceutical thickener and for production of protective gloves, films, plates fibers and oil-resistant pipes. Present in eye drops as active ingredient. One of few water soluble polymers. Obtained through acid hydrolisis of poly(vinyl acetate).

Health safety: Non-toxic. Eye-irritating.

More information is available in the product data sheet, available at this address.